Sunday, July 07, 2013

My letter to the camera fixers

Why do people write such boring straight forward things? This is my latest letter to accompany my camera which is being fixed, it's not brilliant and that 'out-there' but much too conversational for us Brits. And if it doesn't raise a smile, i recon at least it will raise a hesitation about calling me to confirm receipt:
Geek Inn
Annoying block of flats with extortionate managing agent fee's


Please can you fix my camera because it is broken and the men on the phone said to send it in.

When you turn it on sometimes only half the lens cover moves leaving half out obscuring the lens, also there is a black patch on the screen on the back. I am unsure how this has happened- it just appeared one day.

My reference numbers are 276rh and 346628.

Thank you for your help. I hope your office has nice windows that you can look out of and you are not stuck in a dark room like machines.

Please call me if you have any questions (about this enquiry, i do not have a great 'General Knowledge') (although i did learn the other day that ants can wage war on other groups of ants with each ant having a different specific job - only humans can also do this).

Thanks again,

LE Geek
01555-252 1879

3/52 Happy? trying to brighten someones day

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