Thursday, September 24, 2015


Mindfulness is very popular at the moment. Being in the moment, enjoying things for what they are. ok. Someone once gave me a chocolate bar mindfulness podcast, it took it too far. I agree with enjoying chocolate, but not the feel of the wrapper, the thoughts of how i might eat it bite for bite. Nah, too much. Eat and enjoy the taste; preferably with a cup of tea.

So my take on mindfulness is to create mini crystal maze type games throughout the day. If there is something mundane to do, make it a 2.5 minute instant lock in! My daily game at the moment is trying to unchain my bike (two locks) and get it out of my garage before the roller door comes back down. Its not easy. One fumble and you lose. lately i've been trying to complete it with Cookie in a carrier on my back. She adds sound effects.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Cookies birthday!

Unbelievably Cookie is now 1. 
More shocking than that she is, in her mothers biased opinion, unbelievably clever. She is not only walking but carrying chairs around to rearrange the furniture. She climbs ladders and goes down slides by herself, she takes thing to the correct room if you ask her to, she steals your breakfast when you are not looking, and she signs please and thank you.

I cannot get over the delight of having two such very different girls who offer such different things to our little family/team. Cookie, you are funny, and boisterous and loud and affectionate and we love you!

 Since she likes eating yellow crayons so much i made some edible chocolate ones.
 Positively apprehensive about turning one. 
studious. Next week she will be equally dividing food.

Saturday, September 05, 2015

Returning to work as I know it.

I'm back! Despite being suprisingly sad about leaving baby Cookie (who couldn't care less) I have spent three days at a desk (not mine. I am still awaiting a desk, phone and mobile?) Where u can drink hot tea without someone crying at my feet, water without hands diving in it, and adult conversation without my torrets of instructions disrupting the flow!

All in all I have enjoyed it. As a treat I got to choose my clients, so I chose the two who live closest to Starbucks'. Fact. And on my first day this was my lunch (no pretending to be healthy for the kids ! Yippee!) 

Tuesday, September 01, 2015

We're coming home. Tell the world.

We are on our way home. Like always it's bittersweet. Travelling with the kids has been great, not as great as travelling in our 20 ' s but great.

I'm looking forward to sleeping in my bed, not having for forage for every meal, and sharing a room with a 3 year old who seems to dedicate her last few hours of the day to only doing things which eventually cause me to shout at her. Oh and it would be ever so nice to have a glass of ice water for more than a second before a small hand darts into it in tanto giving it a nice pavement tint.

Here are my pro's and con's of travelling with two kids aged 3 and 0.

Even less privacy than at home (I didn't think this was possible)
Being hot, tired and lost whilst dealing with smaller versions of yourselves who are also hot, tired and want to know 'why?' about everything.
Pavement water
Only having one pushchair and two nappers. Resulting in many a standing nap where the child asleep in the carrier will not allow you to sit down.
No bars, evening experiences or much that doesn't interest kids.
Small children don't always enjoy what you want to see, so you have a choice to fight them or leave.

Soooo many more locals speak to you and give you insight into how they live 
Perfect moments when young carefree innocence, beautiful scenery and family connectivity collide
Free things people give you (mostly food) because your kids are cute
Not feeling obliged to do all the standard landmarks as they are actually boring some of them
Living more like a local. Renting flats, using the laundrettes etc. My Spanish was eventually perfected in Mexico (I quote 'tengo [gesture to washing pile] ayuda por favour'.) Outstanding.