Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Happy Christmas Everyone

You can't tell but ive been on another photography course. This taught me how to use the mannual mode on my camera, but really it highlighted to me that i can struggle to get 'the photo' of out girls that i want because they are crap models. Really. Starbucks pulls an odd painful impression of someone trying to smile as soon as she sees the camera, and Cookie will never look directly at the camera, and if she does then she screws her eyes up so tight you cant see them. If you add to this the fact that i dont take my camera out with me when alone as i cant keep an eye on 3 kids and a valuble camera at the same time, and if i do, i usually have a split second to get the shot before someone falls, needs a warning about stepping in dog poo or the buggy is about to roll off and hit a stranger. Thats why i dont have good photos. (camera phone? - shush).

Anyway, here is my Christmas attempt:

see what i've done here to disguise the smiles...