Monday, May 29, 2017

We found a Hero

Introducing baby Hero! (before heated arguments breakout again as to whether this is a legitimate and non abusive name for a baby girl, this is only her nickname). (Although thats not to say what we replace it with wont be just as different).We are delighted to announce that baby Hero has arrived, safe and well. Ironically despite the planned section, it was the most panicked and rushed at the end. Baby Hero is here; No brilliant photo of her first breath though.

Cookie is delighted with her, continually highlighting her 'little toes!' or each fart with delight. Starbucks is also happy but old enough to have experienced what 2 year old sisters are like which may well be tempering her joy appropriately.

 In the words of Spike Milligan, 'You can't leave that lying there.''It's not a lion its a baby'. Not a bad view to be born to.
 Blending in with the furniture already.

Protective? or scared to touch her?
It's likely that forever more, its a majority rule. If the other two look good the photo will be selected, even if its your birth and you look like a victorian portrait of the dead. Cookie, Hero & Starbucks

Thursday, May 04, 2017

Rules to visiting prision

One of the merits of being a social worker is experiencing aspects of other peoples lives that I wouldnt normally encounter. Last year i got to go to court several times to support teenagers caught up in trouble, and i also got to visit a prision.

Some of the novelty of this was the whole new set of social rules that this dictates. Assumably people regularly visiting get used to these and know them not as a list. However, for my first visit this list was odd. More interesting is to try and guess the reasons behind these rules. Without further ado here is the dress code:
  • no uniforms (except school uniforms, or police officers on legal visits)
  • no ponchos
  • no baseball caps
  • no florescent tops
  • no sunglasses
  • no cuff links
  • no watches
  • no chains that assemble key chains
  • skirts, dresses and shorts must be no higher than just above the knee
  • no crop tops or see through clothing which reveal the stomach
and my favourites
  • only one pair of trousers to be worn at any one time 
  • All clothing to be worn as intended to be worn.
As a legal visitor i was also obliged to adhere to the following:
  • No more than 2 pens
  • no spiral back pads 
  • no bull dog clips
  • Laptop with prior written agreement
  • no phone.
It was an interesting time. It helped that i really liked the lad we were visiting.