Saturday, August 25, 2012

Starbucks goes to the cinema.....

Starbucks and Bobby sitting in the same seat at the lovely Greenwich cinema, through a particularly scary trailer!

We saw Brave, which was great as i LOVE pixar and i felt human again for a while as it was quite a classy place and i managed to do something mostly about me, not her. Starbucks woke up and avidly watched the end of the film from my lap which was nice also. It was the 'Big Scream' club which costs £1 to join for a year and then you can attend special screenings which are quieter and have the lights on low. Everyones baby cried a little as they settled to sleep at some time, but it was calm and the only thing missing was popcorn (i'll get some next time). With 4 films showing a week for mums and babies i think this might become a regular thing!

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