Thursday, August 09, 2012


Does anyone else worry about farting during a haircut? What would you do, own it or be British and both politely pretend to not know the obvious?

Yet again i look like Nicky Clarke (every haircut without fail!). Pregnant Nicky Clarke.

My hairdresser thought i was pregnant. Yes, my pregnancy weight lingers, and to compound it all onto my manic-depressive self esteem, she thinks i am pregnant. On the way home, with my new haircut making my neck 5 degrees cooler (phew) and limiting the amount of hair tugging i can suffer at the ever so small, but strong hands of Starbucks, i thought i looked younger and fresher. On the tube one guy stepped aside and allowed me to get on the tube before him, nice, and once on another stood and offered me his seat, brill. I assumed that he must be foreign, probably American as this is pretty unheard of for a 20something Brit. Feeling chuffed i accepted and sat. It wasn't until i go off that i noticed it was the 'priority seat' for the disabled, elderly and yes... pregnant women'. Its hard not to be paranoid about his motive now.

The diet starts.... well no time soon as i am still breast feeding. But once I'm not, it will.

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