Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Not Teaching English

Today was the first time i was asked to help with an after school class of teenagers who have English lessons at the project we work at. As i uncomfortably sat on a chair at the front of the class having declared i was LE from England, the teacher explained the first exercise. He then called me up to the board and asked me to explain the difference between 'Love' and 'Like' to the students. haha. Since i failed to do this well he wrote on the bored 'Like 50-70%' and 'Love 100%'. Not bad. Later on in the class i had to explain what a Video recorder was (kids!) a cheesecake, and the hardest of all egg mayonnaise! how can you explain mayonnaise to someone who already knows the word egg? Fun, fun fun. Time is flying and we will be back so soon.

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