Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Brazil Evaluation 187.25


Likes quality graffiti on all wall available, the friendly people who tell you when to get off the bus even though you haven't asked, lots of salt in the food, the way the mountains and cities integrate, the beaches in Morro de Sao Paulo, spending loads of time with Xss, doing physical work daily, getting a tan, having the satisfaction of having learn`t Portuguese well enough to communicate with others, listening to Ailtons long stories up in the forests after having raked all the trails (all in Portuguese so i couldn't understand a word of it, but obviously very funny stories judging by his chuckles), multipart handshakes which prove that you like someone.

Dislikes the ant war on humans, screaming children having tantrums about stupid things frequently, the dogs barking (for no reason) at 4am on the veranda outside my room, getting a fungal pattern from crappy hostel sheets on my back which looks pretty but is ruining my tan, no Starbucks in all of Brazil,

Sunrises in Brazil missed by me lazing in bed 103

Places visited Rio de Janeiro, Paraty, Ilha Grande, Belo Horizonte, Ouro Preto, Itabiritu, Salvador, Morro de Sao Paulo, Foz de Igazu.

Number of times i wanted to come home 2 (Once following a serious ant attack and once after we seemed to be spending all our time away planning our next hostel so we could then find another hostel)

Nights spent in strangers houses 4

Favourite hostel Ailton`s pousada in Morro de Sao Paulo. Two stories with our own hammock on the private veranda and a wonderful breakfast of fresh fruit, real juice, bread, cake and coffee.

Pirate experiences achieved posing with a parrot on my arm, seeing a pirate ship flying the jolly roger, eating at Pirates Pizza restaurant, and staying in several place that pirates used to pillage.

Times Xss got annoyed with me talking about Pirates 17

Favourite memory playing monopoly (which i won) with Ali, Paddy, Hafa, Marcus, Claire and Xss in the farm communal kitchen. (is that really sad) or the waterfalls in Purto Igassu -absolutely amazing.

Worst day One of the days when i failed to help anyone on the farm by following Ailton around holding things that didn't need holding, like a 5 year old who insists on helping and really hinders.
Favourite new food/drink Brigadiro (cocoa powder and condensed milk rolled into balls around a strawberry)

Worst smell The smell in `poo room` in Salvador. seriously.

Best/worst noise: Someone shouting `Almoco` (lunch) when you are sweating away at physical labour in the hot sunshine knowing you will have an hour in the shade to rest and chat.

Best Norwich City Victory 3-0 away at Bristol City.

Weirdest country 'fact' Rio`s Metro system is actually partly a bus system that goes along normal roads. You have to go down to buy tickets then surface again to get on a normal bus that isn't any quicker than a normal bus meaning that you have even less time in the Botanical gardens when you leave the hostel at 4pm and it closes at 5pm.

Days Xss wanted to be a plaid shirt and army boot wearing punk 0 :(

New thing learnt There is a time for everything (Ecc 13) a time to be sad, a time to be happy, a time to sunbathe and a time not to, a time for rain and one for sunshine. Enjoy each time you have as all have benefits and soon enough your`ll be on the other side wanting the old time back.
Country score: 187.25

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