Wednesday, April 10, 2013

I'm not being prejudice but....

An email i wrote earlier today after a shameful dentist trip:

From: LE Geek
Sent: 10 April 2013 10:44
To: Honestly Work
Subject: My teeth are doomed


I just went to the dentist and they said I have gum disease so my teeth may fall out. I think this is a while off, but if I am only 30 at the moment, it is not good. so now:

- I will have to divorce Xss as he cannot go out with someone with false teeth.
- Never go out and socialise as people with false teeth can only go down an old mans pubs or to places where women have beards.
-I am not allowed to eat chocolate or cakes for the rest of my life as this is the cause of this
- I am intrinsically a bad mother as if I cannot even keep myself in good health, how can I teach Starbucks?

- I can't get those beakers on that website you showed me, because people with false teeth can only drink out of badly tea stained mugs, often with only the remnants of a handle.
- I am angry as to how everyone else could have let this get this way!! Why did no one tell me or stop it. It is obviously not my own fault AT ALL. The blame list is: the dentist, my parents, the government, then the world for conspiring against me. I hope you were not in on it......

As you can see I am in a good mood.

Hope works ok


1 comment:

LE Geek said...

I'd like to add that i have now changed dentists. My new one is much nicer and she says that chocolate consumption does not affect receeding gums. Brilliant. She almost said i can eat as much chocolate as a wish.