Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tx You Are My Star....

Tx may be in Uganda but i can feel her warmth from here. I miss her everyday, because there's no-one like her, and when we talk its like starting in the middle of a conversation, no preamble, and always knowing exactly whats going whilst replying with the appropriate tone and question line. I just spoke with her now, and even though our lives are so bizarrely different, she is struggling to make her limited budget at work stretch to digging more wells than humanly possible and improving hygiene practices whilst living in a terribly rural environment with few home comforts, she is still happy, yes HAPPY, to hear me moan about my comfy life here.

If you haven't met Tx imagine sesame streets Zoe on speed. She always has a million things on the go at any one moment, to her no doesn't mean 'NO', it means 'find another way to do it'. She's a restless soul who wont stop until world peace is established; her powerful, dynamic and calm persona offsets her overwhelming desire to remain a 3 year old girl who celebrates every new day by pouring her heart unguarded into everything, often resulting in fabulous victories or tears. She'll never sit still long enough to write a book, she dances when she's happy, challenges me to be a better person, and dresses like no one style is good enough for her.

Most importantly she cooks me homous, jacket potato and macaroni cheese. When she was in London if Xss couldn't cook for me, then she would.

On a roll, here is another sesame street resident to illustrate my friends:

Elmo: XSS. Genuine, honest, and inquisitive. Asks no end of questions but most importantly, loving.

Ernie: Junior. Even emotioned, really genuine and so kind. Has great perception on situations even if he doesn't let on.

Bert: Impy. Ultimately always on a downer and pessimistic about life and any situation he finds himself in, but has a good heart buried beneath it all and secretly like to try hard.

Super Grover: Rowl.
Throws herself whole heartedly into so many different projects all at the same time and really enjoys it. However occasionally finds herself out of her depth and has to bail. Constantly fighting to be brave and courageous despite accurately describing herself as 'highly anxious'.
Big Bird: True.
Central to every episode of life. Can do everything well, says stuff like, "I guess it's better to be who you are. Turns out people like you best that way, anyway" to me constantly to inspire me to continue striving to be myself
Telly: ME.
Obsessed with TV, worries about everything and is obsessed with random things, and random people constantly jumping from one thing to the next.

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