Today Xss and I booked our flights. I am sure everyone who knows me must be more than fed up with me talking about going travelling and getting away from my British life. For those that aren't (or even those that are and want to learn when the annoying pain that is LE will bog off and shut up) here are the flights:
Early August (7th!) Fly from London to Rio, Brazil.
Stay in Brazil for 4 months (3 months on the farm)
Late November Fly from Rio to Santiago, Chile
Late November Fly from Santiago to Lima, Peru
Early December Fly from Lima to Cusco, Peru
See Machu Picchu
Mid December Fly from Cusco to Lima, Peru
Find a way to get to Iguitos/the Amazon and see the rainforest
Mid December Fly from Lima to Miami, USA
Late December Fly from Miami to Minnesota
Spend Christmas with my wonderful Russell Family
Late December Fly from Minnesota to LA, USA
Drive to Death Valley and Las Vegas and back
Early January Fly from LA to Tokyo, Japan
Go see Kyoto
Mid January Fly from Tokoyo to Puket, Thailand
Spend one month in Thailand volunteer placement in a Zoo
One month in Cambodian volunteer placement teaching English.
Go overland to Hanoi, Vietnam.
Mid May Fly from Hanoi to Hong Kong
Mid May Fly from Hong Kong to Dehli, India
Overland to Goa
Early June Fly from Goa to LONDON BABY!
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