I'd describe this week as terrible. Which really equates to me getting too wrapped up in work bolloctics and not being able to realise that a tense office environment is not worse than many real life situations people find themselves in.
My manager left on planned leave months ago, so the next manager up then loving receives our team with great joy. However he has done nothing for the last 4 months, limiting the work we can do, eroding the teams’ spirit, and putting us at serious risk by not allocating cases or reading any risk assessments on client files. So this week enough was enough and I called the team together to discuss this. It was a productive session in which we wrote a simple list of all the things we needed doing for us to be able to do our job. It was agreed that as a united front we would present this information to said manager in order to force a change.
However, what I did not calculate for was the impish, leprechaun colleague who had other plans! This man, who is less than straight at the best of times, spent two days running around calling each colleague out of the office one at a time for hushed discussions in private corners in which he managed to convince people that should we raise any complaints each of us useless serfs will be fired in the night, desk cleared and never to return again, with no communication or explanation given! Argh. Moment of wanting to sit crying in the toilets arrived. Dramatic emails to Tx in Uganda, who being the star that she is, called me instantaneously and simply encouraged me to do the right thing. She is amazing, after setting me straight, advising me that truth is all that matters, and if you get shot trying to better something, the world will be grateful even if no-one else is, I re-accepted my quest and a constituency of Rowl and I dejectedly entered the dragons den alone.
It was so liberating though to be straight with the manager and let him know how we felt including pointing out that his numerous broken promises mean that we no longer trust what he says and feel increasingly frustrated with him. He took it well, agreed with the 35 points we raised and agreed that things need to change. He also said he did not have the time to change anything that is not an emergency (staff safety does not qualify then), and weirdly agreed to us escalating this to his manager. Which I did via another well worded email.
I'll find out on Monday what kind of response we'll get, I imagine it won’t be revolutionary, but at least I’ve tried my best.
On a more positive note, Rowl discovered an Urban dictionary which when searching for my name says:
The most amazing person you will ever meet. A bit sarcastic but mostly lovable! If you don't know her too bad! the ppl who have met her are extremely lucky! And you should never push her away. A lil bitchy at times but who's not!Go out and find yourself one!
Now normally I don’t believe in this kind of crap, but I’m willing to make an exception for this. Except of course I’m not bitchy. hahaha.
It also describes blogging as:
Short for weblog. A meandering, blatantly uninteresting online diary that gives the author the illusion that people are interested in their stupid, pathetic life. Consists of such riveting entries as "homework sucks" and "I slept until noon today."
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