Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Island of Bed

My favourite moment of the day is the moments of darkness after i have got into bed at night. No matter what happened that day, no matter the tiredness, the rain, the overpowering work load or the stressful encounters with irate people, i always know i will end it all lying in my soft island paradise, in the dark, chatting with Xss.

Its almost like a perpetual sleepover; giggling, sharing stories and evaluating the day. In the dark you have to focus a lot more on people's voices, and you can hear every movement, its almost a more linear way to communicate. But always a time to feel safe, relaxed and calm in the knowledge that since its now sleep time, the next hassle must be at least 7 hours off.

I cant recommend this enough. The nicest way to end a day, and probably the reason why people say the route to a happy, long marriage is going to bed at the same time.

1 comment:

DeBee said...

I agree!
This is one of my favourite times too. We always feel knackered when the alarm goes off at 06:10 but always content and happy as we doze off. Love it.