Monday, October 05, 2009

Back in the Rain

America was brilliant. As i excitedly drove to my house along those vaguely familiar roads (it is 9 years since i lived there), i can remember so exactly the date i arrived in Minnesota a few weeks after my 18th birthday never having been on a plane before. The love and excitement remains and i ran down the drive and into Tim's arms as he stood to greet me from his usual garage chair retreat.

Xss and I enjoyed driving down the Mississippi to St. Louis with our ultimate destination unknown. We settled for spending a few days in the Ozarks, and visiting several small towns on the way back, each with their own $2 museum as a tribute to something random and bizarre.

This is the place where the first 'Pony Express' left from, however the idea never really took off as telegrams were invented!

Below is a nice corn field we decided that we liked a lot better than any of the great cities. I think this is Nebraska somewhere. We had stopped for a Dairy Queen ice-cream, surprise surprise.
It was so great to see all my family, but also to be 'lost' in the middle of a huge safe country with nothing to do and nowhere to go. Every single stress of life removed.
I'd love to see all of the states, and if i had nothing else to do i;d love to do a Steinbeck (my favourite author) and spend a long time just going for a wander through them.

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