I've become worried that I've got busy living. I am comfortable, and have every single thing i could possibly need. I do not know hardship. I do not know pain.
I spend my time reading, watching TV, cleaning my warm flat, amusing myself and my children.
I write short magnetic messages on the fridge knowing that at random moments Starbucks will read them.
i iron Xss's shirts in the hope that lonely people in the city will know that he is loved (and professional)
I pick up Cookie and throw her in the air to make her laugh
I rock, rock, rock Hero to sleep in a baby carrier around the house, then try to tenderly sit down with her still asleep to drink a warm cup of tea and read my book for book club. Compromising relaxed shoulder muscles for a stolen read.
I clean the oven with WD40 to make it shine.
I go to toddler groups and chat.
I drink tea.
I wear the same two sets of clothes continually so i don't have to think about what to wear.
We drive a tiny, old car which we cant hear the radio in when its going fast.
I went to a bible study the other night without Hero, and i drove home in the chill of the autumn night singing along to blink 182, really singing.
But is this it.Should i be happy with this, or am i missing something. Is this the huberis of the young, to think that there is always something greater; that we should aspire to leave our mark on the world?
When i imagine our grandparents generation, with their reduced world-mobility, their community being a local one (with no virtual far fetching section apart from through mail and newspapers), they seem like they had a smaller mission, the one i have now, to be happy. To go to the butchers, to wash the clothes.
But perhaps i am doing them a misjustice, and this is the true downfall of my generation, to believe that small and local and discreet, cannot equal life changing. Making your mark on the world does not have to mean starting your own charity, or creating an organic recycled material; marks can be made on individual people through individual moments.
I hope one day that i will adopt a couple of kids, and that part of my life now is a waiting game, preparing for them to come and a future i do not know. I try be myself when i meet others, offering them happiness, a laugh and love, but is this too fleeting? Do i need to house a homeless person just to prove to myself that i am making the world a better place. This would not be enough, I'd become used to this and be happy and perhaps complacent again.
Can i genuinely consider my children my projects, investing in them as a way of changing the future. DO WE NEED CHANGE AT ALL??/
In a world where everyone seems to be needing something more, is it ok to be happy? And if i am happy, do i need to then help others find their happiness?
Does life have to be any more complicated than smelling a sleeping baby's warm head?
Starbucks and XSS showing us simple