Almost every meal time Cookie asks, 'can we play 'Dear God'?' This is our prompt for grace. A time to say thank you for the innumerable blessings in our lives. If nothing less than to humble oursevles to the reaslisation that sitting around a table, in a house, eating a meal is a gift. Often Xss or I will choose a moment in the day we enjoyed to thank God for, the kids will choose the meal or something special that they got. Starbucks has progressed in her social development to a stage where she gives me attitude about anything i challenge her on. She knows it winds me up, and it does. I try not to, but on occasion i go from calm to SWEATY STRESSY GESTICULATOR in split second.
This evening Stabucks' answer to what are you thankful for was, 'I am thankful that i still love mummy even though she shouts at me and hurts me'. I've never hurt her, but i wanted to hurt her then. haha.
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