Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Christening Cookie

It's taken me oh-so-long to really accept that Cookie is not Starbucks. Or more concisely, that I don't have a clue how to look after a baby, I only know how to look after my baby, Starbucks. Cookie is a whole different person, and despite her being my second baby there have been more times than I can count when I've been completely at a loss as to how to stop her crying. In public. On two occasions other mothers have taken her from me to try and settle her.

It's been a much harder journey than I envisaged with Cookie. I thought two babies might mean double the work, less time to myself and a much messier house. But these were the least of my worries. Two babies means letting go of that cherished relationship with your first born. It means never feeling adequate when there is no solution to impossible situations, it means not being a 'perfect' mother to either child, it means betraying the intimate relationship you built up when you have to stand up for the gooseberry that turns up and cries interrupting private moments - even though you feel the intrusion too.

And although I feel like I've finally accepted this and found a way through it, i doubt i have. I have managed to scrounge moments with both my daughters without the other around. during nap time, after bedtime, or whilst Xss is looking after somebody. But i am yet to work out a harmonious way for us all to be perfectly content as a three for long.

But the relationship between the siblings is crazy to witness. There is such strong love between the girls already. They have moments together that could not have been created by a friend or parent, only a sibling. They are a pair.

I do love Cookie. Sometimes i struggle to like her, but i certainly love her. I love that she smells like a wet dog when she is dribbling (MY wet dog), that she has the most brilliant smile. She smells like partially baked cookies when gently warmed. She has a can do attitude, life is so exciting to her so she never wants to sleep, she is certainly her own person, and often thinks that she is funny. So we had a Christening to celebrate the gift that she is to us. Thank God for Cookie!

Starbucks: I've certainly changed a little lately. This dress is positively almost pink!!
Ok. So taking photos whilst taking part in the Christening sort of detracts from the moment, so these are post Christening in our garden.
Every time when i am just about to shout to Starbucks to stop, i catch Cookie smiling. Here she is enjoying being abused in her homemade cape
 Whats the word for this expression on Starbucks' face?
 I made the cape very pointy. I love it. no half measures here.
Trying to find out whats going on where she is not...
 She's off


Anonymous said...

Amazing day!



:-D Bubble Bee said...

Love these snaps!
They're both gorgeous and from what I've seen from my nieces, it'll get easier as little 'un becomes less of a baby and gets into the same things, abilities etc. as 'Bucks.

You're doing ace. Travelling will be an unforgettable challenging experience!! :-D