Wednesday, October 09, 2013

I want a cupboard

This week I went to True's new house and discovered a new jealousy of mine. Cupboard envy. Oh how glorious it seems to be to have storage, lots and lots of storage. Spaces with doors and shutters (what's a shutter inside a house?) where you can put things somewhere and close them away from sight! This to me seems like the biggest freedom in the world right now. Forget prisons (if they have cupboards with doors they are as free as me) or those agoraphobics stuck inside ( if they had unlimited cupboard space they could spend their time inside organising and re-organising these spaces.)

True has a shoe cupboard big enough to hang a family of 4's coats in, a playroom to hide her boys toys in, a cupboard to cover her washing machine, an outside shed to hide bikes, another to hide other shed type things in, a garage to hide the car, a very random cupboard outside the back door to hide the 'overflow fridge' in. Her bedroom has no less than 6 built in wardrobes, allowing her separate spaces to hang tops, bottoms and items not in season. She even has some empty cupboards she doesn't know what to do with. Today I really wish I had a built in cupboard, I really do.

I live in a silly new build with no storage. if you visit my house you can take an itinerary of everything we own as you walk through to our lounge. If you can't see it, we don't have it. I want one big enough for my ironing board. I want one to hide the Hoover, I want one so that I can buy a broom or a mop and bucket.

Xss and I discuss this sometimes as he has a perhaps rational fear, due to my comment above, that when you get storage you fill it. Like it's a law. He's worried that if I get a cupboard by the time we move to bigger house I will have accumulated enough stuff to so densely populate the new place 1the merit of moving will have been nullified.

I still want a cupboard, even if it's true.

17/52 Happy? The possibility that my future has a built in cupboard in it.


:-D Bubble Bee said...

Aw I feel your pain. Our maisonette had a shortage of storage too. However we had so much crap to sort through when we moved here; plenty of it didn't need to be in the house! I would sort thru things way more regularly now. Tom said if I could learn to live tidily in a place that small, then I would be more organised with the space when we moved to a bigger place... we're now living in a bunkie about 15"x15" haha. Our stuff is material, but it's part of us/our lives. It's weird what you end up missing!

LEGeek said...

15"x 15" sounds great. I LOVE throwing stuff away (well recycling) but i always have that fear that i'll need it again sometime and have to rebuy it. I'm now trying to repackage this as a cost i would be paying not to store said item for 4 years. Geek