Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Green Tomato Chutney

I am very good at growing green tomatos, infact i've never managed to grow a red one in our garden in London. It got me thinking, and in the grand scheme of life- how do you know you have done well?? For me one of those things is being a 'homemaker' - is that a word already? I like baking, and i want to be a domestic goddess. When i knew i was having a baby i pledged to have at least one homebaked biscuit/cake/sweet permenantly in the house. I tried for a while but the time, and the fact that i then continually eat such things mean i gave up.

However, i think you must have made it in this world, as a woman, if you've made chutney. yep. i stand by that. So i made green tomato chutney. It was of limited success. I'd like to make the disclaimer that perhaps it was the green tomatos- as since they dont taste like tomatos do, add no merit to a product, and therefore any pickle with green tomato in the title seems like it could be relabeled simply, 'pickle'. My green tomato chutney filled the room with fumes as i boiled off the 2 pints of vinigar the recipe called for. The resulting spread is suitably brown, but tastes like maple syrup drizzled over 'stuff'. chewy pasta?

Ah well, here is a picture of Denzil the dog showing it off.

Anyone any other suggestions of how you can know if you;ve made it in the world. I recon a home made bedspread might count, but i dont have the effort for that!

20/52 Happy? i dont have to eat this chutney i made!

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