I know i am home, as today when i went to meet Tx and Lovely in Green Park, i took a backpack containing a bikini, short skirt, hooded jumper, and waterproof coat. Its been so nice coming back to such nice weather, and has certainly eased our transition to 'non-traveller status' being able to sit in the Somerset sun enjoying the scenery in all its real colours. However, on this day trip to London (we don't move back until next week) the old annoying quandary of an impossible guessing game of what will the day bring and what should i be wearing in order to survive it began.
I needed none of the bag items, as it remained nice, but not too nice. It was great to see friends and be able to discuss anything i like. During the 300 days of Xss certain topics quickly were banned from conversation, i don't know why, but discussing what colour underwear i want to buy next (but not actually buying it), or what the optimum bra to matching pants ratio is.
The highlight of my Green Park adventure was recounting to Tx and Lovely the story of how Xss, in the amazon heat of Peru, licked an ice-cream ball off the top of his cone right onto the floor. At this time we all had our own 99 ice-creams, but as the story and consequent laughter progressed, Lovelys' flake fell to the floor due to the laughter vibrations travelling down her arm. Much laughter ensued and then disaster struck twice as my flake gravitated towards the floor also. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time.
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