Likes: The space!, quaint painted store signs, wombats, hyperactive Platypus', Pin Oak Court (aka Ramsey Street), Nice people letting you stay and borrow their cars, seeing Stan happily married, Caramel Tim Tams, the green colour of the sea, Autumn tree colours,
Dislikes: Cafe's shutting at 5pm, trams holding up traffic, expensive food/hotels/everything, having to wear the same clothes every day since it was so cold,
Places visited: Melbourne, Halls Gap, Healesville, Apollo Bay, Redhill.
Number of times we wanted to come home: 0. Much too late for that. The threat of work is all too real.
Favourite Hostel: YHA in Halls Gap. No one else there and they offered to light the fire in the TV room to keep us warm.
Favourite Memory: Waking up the sunbathing Kangaroo's with Xss as we walked in the bush up a hill to see the views. The Kangaroos weren't that bothered by us and we could get really close, and they were MASSIVE.
Worst Day: Again its too late for that. Even standing in the rain and wind hungry and cold would be better than going back to work in a few weeks.
Favourite New Food/Drink: Andrews (our temporary landlord) curry. Brilliant. Otherwise, Fish and Chips from a fish and Chippery, where you choose your fish stake and they cook it fresh for you.
Best/Worst Smell: Xss. He's started wearing aftershave again.
Best/Worst Noise: The Silence. Bliss.
Number of times i tripped in Australia: 7
Number of times i fell over and rolled all the way onto my back: 1
Number of Kangaroos who now think i am weird: 3.
Weirdest Country Fact: You cannot close your hand around the Australian 50p, its just too big.
New thing learnt: In out of season places everything shuts early, so it makes your days really short!
Country Score: 101
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