Has anyone seen 'The Sun's' headlines today. It is beyond stupid. Seriously. But the frustrating thing is that people will believe it. For those of you who do not have access to the quality publication that is the Sun, the headlines read, '100 social workers fail to stop tow sisters being raped by their dad for 25 years'.
Now I have read nothing on this story, and I have no interest in doing so. Social work bashing has got out of control. Indeed I think some may argue that there should be no 'controls' on democracy, but this assumes that a population has access to non-biased (or both sides of an argument) information. A sector of our society is being led by the nose to think stupid and ridiculous things.
And there is no way to fight back. I'd be more than willing to stand up on a stage or a debate programme and stand up for my profession, but no-one wants to see this stage (unless it involves me being publicly executed for the 'crimes' that my so called colleagues have committed).
Who killed Baby P?
The social workers and GP, not the actual hands of the people involved. Who failed all the children we see in the press- the social workers, not their useless selfish parents, or the violent vicious people who assaulted them.
How is newspapers headline going to help anyone? All it does is reduce collective responsibility and consciousness and allow the angry world to vent at someone other than themselves.
Who failed baby P? ok,. well some blame can lie with the social worker, but can we admit that the only person who clearly cares about any child is a paid professional- NO! The others who never helped him were his siblings, his aunts uncles, grandma's, family friends, neighbours, the woman at the bus stop, anyone else coming in and out of the house, and more crucially, his mother.
The scare mongering in the headline just goes beyond anything I can even laugh off today. 100 social workers- how that many - is every social worker in that borough being blamed? Social workers are PEOPLE not superslothes or SWAT team detectives, they cant magically know things that no-one is telling them, or there are no clues towards. Even if they had some inkling that this is happening, to be able to do anything about it a social worker must be able to stand up in court and provide enough evidence to a judge to prove that it is occurring. We have no power anymore and a judge will not rely on 'social work instinct' or a serious of clues......
Every borough has a serious problem with recruiting social workers at the moment, in my borough even at £2,000 retention bonus for a commitment of 1 years work is failing to keep anyone interested. I know of 9 social workers leaving currently.
I get so annoyed about this situations- can you tell?- that it makes me take all the more seriously the voice in my head that say leave Britain. However, this would be appeasing my emotional state, but who suffers in the long term from these scare mongering articles, the children. The little girl, sitting in a crappy house, with inadequate supervision, regularly told that she was never wanted, and never will be, and knocked around whenever someone is in a bad mood with her. She'll be raped before you know it, drop out of school, develop depression, and then start producing her own disempowered children- probably deciding not to engage with any social workers along the way as she 'knows what you lot are like'. Tell me Sun, how is this helping?
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