I am a
kickboxer at heart. I'm not sure fighting is agreed with in the bible, but i certainly like to fight. Not to inflict pain, but to harness a skill and be able to be in complete control of a situation. It
doesn't happen much in this world. Even if you get hit, your head is already thinking about where you might strike next. In your mind you never lose, just the timer stops you before you got a handle on that fight.
I go boxing near London Bridge and love it, and hate it.

It is so confusing, everything is very mixed up in gender issues, my social
awkwardness and wanting to belong. Contact sport always makes gender difficult and although it is infantile, no man in my boxing class can approach me and ask to be my partner (even if there are no more men to pair up with) because it'll look like they fancy me, and for the same reason i cant cross the divide and ask any bloke either, they'll just look at the floor. Even though i am better than some of the guys so it would be a more logical pairing. So all that happens is i awkwardly approach the middle of the floor and stand there all alone until our coach, Q, identifies the unpaired man, and points out the obvious- this is your partner here.
One of the good things about my group is that from the word go we are expected to fit in, if your new you
don't do less push-ups. However this also means that you never (or always) get to a stage where you feel like you've managed to get so far that you fit in.

Q, has issued us shirts and remarks on his blog that it has improved the standard of our class, and he feels people are putting more effort in now. But what he fails to notice is that perhaps this change is not related to us, but to his attitude towards us now he feels like we belong to his group.
Above is Lisa Brown, who has in my opinion an ideal body- how women should be, strong, able and natural. Its not about having perfect hair, but being estatic with yourself. Nothing sexier than sweaty people with scruffy hair who are having fun.
Right is another female boxer, i forget her name, who is estatic with herself but is not sexy as her hair isnt messed up and she is not sweating.
Its ugly isnt it?
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