You must stir 3 cooking pots of dinner to stop them burning, chop a vegetable to add to the pot, all whilst holding a baby who is picking parsley from the plant on the work surface whenever you pass and trying to shove it into your mouth. (Note I hate parsley but did quite well at this one)
You must hoover up 3 piles of ripped tea bags and tea from 3 different rooms whilst retrieving newly acquired tea bags from the baby who has been provided with them by her older sister. You must shout above the hoover, but not in an overtly negative way that this teabag distribution must stop seviral times. Every 10 seconds a small person will turn off the hoover and laugh. You have to stop hoovering and turn it back on each time it happens. Towards the end of your 5 minute time limit you need to stop the baby dropping her older sisters socks down the toilet whilst hoovering in another room. ( I failed this one, and suprised myself that I am now so unbothered by putting my hand into the toilet water! I've already completed the rational equation in my head innumerable times - flush a foreign object = pay plumber to fix and toilet flood in the mean time, just pick it back out).
You must dry and dress a wiggly baby whilst calling out every 5 seconds to a toddler still in the bath. You must check visually on the toddler every 3 minutes. You must get pj's for the big one once the little one is dressed, at the same time you must stop the little one from moisturising her body whilst already dressed. (I worked out a cheat for this one - don't leave the lid off of the moisturiser and on the side of the bath).
I like my life. It's fun.
Cookie helping
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