Monday, August 03, 2015

Underground rivers

Today, while the kds napped I did something great. I swam through an underground river. Granted every tourist to Cancun does, AND I paid $100 for the privilege but I did it without my kids and had a glancing half hour of bliss!

The water was clear, and cool. The right sort of cool that once swimming takes away the heat from your body. The route starts off in a cenote  (A sink hole full of water) and meanders through caves (some with accompanying bats hanging from the roof), raveens (not sure if this is the word, but it was a river with high sides going way above you at times) and lastly through mangroves (cleaner than it sounds). Basically it was like swimming through jurassic park.

And did I mention I WAS ALONE! Half an hour of being with myself.

It was nowhere near as busy as this when I went, probably a tenth if the people.
I'm not in these photos as I was busy enjoying the experience. Un fact other than the blog photos there aren't many photos of our travels at all. 

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