Sunday, September 14, 2014

Last pregnant rant, I hope:

One of the worst things leading up to the birth of my children has been the comments made at the end of the pregnancy once the baby is due:

These questions seem to fall into several categories:

1) are you sure you haven't had the baby and forgotten to tell me?
No. I will tell you, but can't when she's not here!

2) are you sure you're not actually in labour and haven't noticed yet?
This includes comments about checking between my legs to see if I'm not secretly dialated, or if Cookies head is not already there. It's not. Isn't it well known that actually labour is quite painful.... A lot of people seem to have forgotten this lately.

3) are you doing enough to make the baby come?
Despite all of these being old wives tales, encouraging me to have sex, eat curries, EXERCISE, drink castor oil, poking up there, rose hip tea, copious pineapple eating, people seem determined that I need to recount to them which of these I have done and account for why they have not worked. The general message - I'm not trying hard enough and must do more.

4) why haven't you had her yet?
Errr it's not up to me! And it's not like I am deliberately trying to keep her in like I feel like I am being accused off.
Best one today, whispered to me in church following a nod to my massive stomach, 'hurry up!'.

5) have I had any signs of labour, often labelled twinges but not substantiated with what a twinge might be and how a twinge might relate to being in labour.

I think people are probably just trying to let me know they care and showing interest, but in my overly pregnant (and getting quite desperate for a natural birth to occur before my c section deadline at 42 weeks) state, it just makes me want to curl up in a ball (currently impossible) on the floor and cry. I'm tempted to turn my phone off but then people will just be convinced i am actually in labour.

End of hormonal pregnant rant.

Thank God I have so many people who care!


:-D Bubble Bee said...

Love you Ellie xx

Geek said...
