I have no major problems in my life, so i like to get overly worked up about the small ones. The latest of these is Xss going to bed late and waking me up when he does. The first night it was loud whistling in the bathroom, the next shaving with his electric razor (at 11:45pm!!). Rather than get mad (i was silently mad- but when you're in bed, in the dark this might just seem like you are asleep- the opposite of what i wanted). (i tried some angry tossing and turning,to try and make him feel bad). Anyway. whats the adult way to solve a problem like this with your partner? Go to work mad and fire off lots of passive aggressive emails to my friends Honestly and Lovely. All prefixed with, 'Xss is really great BUT.....'
So i asked for inspiration from their jobs. How would they tackle this problem at work?
In my work i would:
- tell him his behaviour is 'unacceptable'
- work out suitable rewards and sanctions for good/poor behaviour
- Issue Xss an Acceptable Behaviour Contract (ABC/ASBO) detailing what specific behaviours are not allowed in the bathroom at what times (which takes a lot of work, and then means nothing once broken)
Lovely, who works for a well known homeless charity suggested that her work would:
- swear
- write a
letter saying that if he looses his home because of his behaviour, he’ll be
found intentionally homeless and then no one will help
- tell his mum (this is one of Lovely's very effective and non-protocol techniques with her younger teenage clients)
Honestly would:
- Use a Measurement framework
(a flow diagram) so that you can measure progress of your responses to his
behaviour, learn from that and then adapt your response until it’s perfect (and
you sleep well!)
- campaign for change by getting large organisations and MP's involved
12/52 Happy? Having only small things like this to 'worry' about.
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