Sunday, August 18, 2013

Saving fashion energy

I'm pretty sure that I'm not supposed to ask this but does anyone else become so happy with their choice of outfit on a particularly fashionable day that they decide to wear it again the next day?

Not an outfit I've run a mile in the rain in, or fallen over in a sand pit in or poured my breakfast milk over when wrestling a bowl off of someone else-with-a-surprisingly-strong-grip-for-a-small-person-who-drops-things-all-day-whilst-shouting-Uh-o (typical occurrences in my life at the mo) just an average days outfit with an average days grime added? I'm sure I'm not supposed to admit to this, along with not supposing to admit to NOT SHOWERING every day!!! When Xss and I went travelling this is really something that stood out, not our smell and grime, but the decadence of the western world washing every item of clothing after only one wear. We only had two of everything (apart from underwear - that's pushing this a bit far) with us, and it was surprising how long we could wear stuff before it actually became unwearable. I know travelling has its own standard of social etiquette but it was also a lot warmer. I barely sweat most days in England, so is it a big deal if I wear the same outfit tomorrow? Probably. I'll just have to make sure I don't see anyone I saw today.

10/52 Happy? My new Nirvana T-shirt and blue ripped jeans, my 14 year old self would be so proud!

P.s is it also terrible that I consider an oversized Nirvana outfit fashionable? AND I recognise that a teenager in the 90's would like it? Perhaps I'll upload it here so you can judge....

Sunday, August 11, 2013

European Restaurant Workers (ERW's)

I love European restaurants, and yes i mean this in the typically British way, as if Britain is not part of Europe.

We went to Pizza Express on Saturday: Xss and I were tired, the baby wasn't. As soon as we entered the male host on the door started speaking to Starbucks. Within 5 minutes he was walking around the restaurant carrying her on his hip and showing her to everyone. Xss and I sat and sipped our drinks.

How different this is to British culture when if the baby makes a squeak then disapproving looks are cast (unless they are parents themselves, in which case a sympathetic 'sorry others will disapprove of you' look occurs). In Europe they actually like children, actively seek them out and cherish them. I'm not sure that in our culture we aren't supposed to have got upset, demanded the child back immediately and not let her out of our sight, or assumed that the waiter was a paedophile abducting her from under our noses. Similarly the British waiter, would have been overtly worried about hurting Starbucks in some way, and then being sued.

Starbucks was returned 10-15 minutes later, and then immediately colouring pencils and paper appeared. She was then spoken to every time a waiter or waitress passed, except when she was busy eating. It was lovely. Sometimes i just wish our culture was a little different, a little more welcoming and sensible, not worried and closed. Why cant we cherish every child we meet?

9/52 Happy? The European attitude to children.

Thursday, August 08, 2013

Clara May!

I have a new niece!!! that brings my totals up to 2 x Nephew and 3 x Niece. Cool.

8/52 Happy? I LOVE having nieces and nephews. No official pictures been released yet but when they are i'll post one here.

Clara May. To young to smile yet.

Monday, August 05, 2013

Tea in the Shower

7/52 Happy? A cup of Tea in the shower. Kind of makes you think that you are showering in tea, but not getting dirty. bliss. only thing better? Tea with an unlimited side of chocolate buttons, with a good book.

So many good moments can be built on the foundations of a good cup of tea.

Friday, August 02, 2013

Lighting the way

I love Starbucks' nursery worker. It is possibly inappropriate how much i like her. Sometimes i buy them biscuits or chocolate treats to make their tea breaks nicer. A happier worker, makes for a happier child at nursery. That's my theory.

Yesterday when i went to collect Starbucks, (she only goes two days a week while i work) it was only her and her worker, Ludi, in the room. Ludi started at the same time as Starbucks and they grew an instant bond. Its fairly easy to tell that Starbucks is Ludi's favourite baby. She always has lovely anecdotes to share when you collect Starbucks and she is always so excited about any new developments. She is, in fact, so much like Xss and I in the way we play with Starbucks, that she jokes that Starbucks is getting annoyed with her following her around trying to be her friend. Since Starbucks has learnt to run (yep run- i am proud), she is putting this to good use running away from people at inopportune times, and using this skill to create an air of disinterest and disdain for anyone with the slightest interest in being her friend (adults only).

Anyway, yesterday as i collected Starbucks she was trying to write with a pen. Ludi and I joked about what she might be trying to write to tell us and Ludi replied, 'i recon she's writing, Piss Off Ludi'. ahaha. I laughed, but Ludi had to apologise for her inappropriate comment in a childcare setting. This makes me love Ludi more, she is a real person. She truly loves Starbucks and views her as an independent person, with her own views and wishes despite not having a voice.

Starbucks practising her drawing skills on the wall. She drew a zigzag. 

Finishing her picture off with an extra straight line. 
6/52 Happy? Having someone you like raise your child while they are at nursery.