Friday, April 19, 2013

Mental health titles you psycho

Did you know i am studying for my social work degree? Well i find the content very interesting (which is good as it motivates my studies). Here is my latest fascinating find:

1913 - Mental Deficiency Act (England and Scotland) made it a duty for local education authorities to identify all children with learning disabilities between the ages of seven and sixteen. It established four categories of ‘mental deficiency’: ‘idiots’, ‘imbeciles’, ‘feeble-minded persons’ and ‘moral imbeciles’.

(as quoted from K101 An Introduction to Health and Social Care, Open University Course)

I guess these words have changed in time, but i cant work out what the hierachy is amongst these, can you? i think an imbecile is worse than an idiot? Only because in my culture it is more offensive.

Also weren't all women called 'feeble minded' for a while? 

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