Thursday, October 27, 2011

I'm not Glowing!

I'm really not. I've been accused of this crime twice now, despite threatening to hit those involved. I can accept that i have now unfortunately begun to 'show' and some people seem to think i am also glowing. I disagree with this as when i think of glowing, i think of the glow worm toys we had as a child which suggest 'glowing' is similar to a plastic, pink, fluffy, muted, light bulb- if you know anything about me you will realise these words don't quite fit my image. Can anyone spread a more positive image of a pregnant glow?

In other news, i now look like a barrel around my waste, its a little scary as the bulge is right up to under my rib cage, it feels like in a few days my bulge will be reaching my chest and from there its not far to go for my throat!

Xss and I went for dinner the other night at Fire and Stone (the BEST pizza place in town) and whilst strolling through Covent Garden and appreciating the loveliness of London, we brought a few things. So Starbucks now has a Guns 'n' Roses t-shirt and two hoddies (one black, one white). I guess every parent is charged with buying and providing for their children until they are old enough to make their own preferences known. From what i know about Starbucks so far he likes:
Stripy clothes
Guns 'n' Roses
bright colours
Play fighting
Ice cream
Norwich City
Blue October
Mexican food
Dr. Seuss

I wonder what he'll like when he's older, he'll probably end up as a complete conformist with a sensible haircut and a preference for polished shoes.

1 comment:

DeBee said...

Hey LE,
Have you named your wriggling bump Starbucks? I'm sure there's a logical explanation (as you are anti commercialism I'm really hoping it's not because you actually like Starbucks)! I'm sure this is explained somewhere on here but I barely have time to keep up with my own life so am quite far behind (not even knowing you were preggers!).
Also, do you listen to Blue October?
Luff DB xx
I need