Xss and i have arrived in Salvador, and within the last hour already tried to save street child´s life! We have thus far (in Brazil) not managed to meet any street children, and i admit i was looking forward to it. I am a fool. Within a very short period of time of having stepped off the bus a child approached us, i could understand he was saying he was hungry and wanted food, and tried to take us to a shop to buy it, not asking for money. Well being British and not good at spontaneity we said no and walked on.
On the third encounter of this same boy, whilst we were buying street food none the less ( a sausage of tapioca covered in sugar and cinamon- 9/10 according to Xss) we thought, well, its food, he´s hungry and you know what, its directly what the bible says we should do. I gave the lady R$4 (155p) and explained that he could have the R$2 extra......... to spend on food. However, although this was a complete sentence said fluidly, she gave him the money before the word food could come out, and he was off! So much for the food. Not sure what to make of this, should we have given chase! Perhaps he spent it on food for his starving brother around the corner, well really it was probably chewing gum and a go on a video game. But at least if i see him again we will have grounds not to feed him.
We have now been on the road for over two months, and my most notable achievement so far has been to not brush my hair for this whole time! Think of the time i have saved! Incidentally i am forever confused as to why people think girls with Blonde hair are pretty, who doesn´t know about hair dye!?! Jeff has also reliably informed me that unibrows and a squint are sexy here and a quailty looked for in a potential partner, well he didnt say a squint was, but i havent asked him yet, so lets assume it to be true.
We are staying in Salvador for two days before going on to yet another idyllic, sandy island, where cars are banned and you have to sunbathe- new Brazillian law passed last week. Salvador is very different to the down south that we know. Here they have lots of cats walking around, and they are not as friendly as their cainaine counter parts; they don´t have tic´s here apart from the three Xss and I have liberated since arriving (look out for a later enchanting game called ´spot, tic or mole´) and street children take the 77p you offer them and run off leaving you annoyed.
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