Every family has their unspoken rules. In ours, it's that you shouldn't start a new toothpaste until ALL of the last one has gone.
Sometimes our house is like the three bears. Evidenced by mummy, daddy and baby toothbrushes and toothpastes in our bathroom.
When our toothpaste is feeling decidedly pasty (haha), when all you can feel is tube and not paste, the real competition begins. Who can bend it, push it and manipulate it enough to continue getting toothpaste out. I always lose and end up being the person who late at night has to rummage around in all the packets under the bathroom sink hoping that there is a new tube there somewhere, while planning how to cut the tube open and formulate a lump from the slim remains in order to brush my teeth.
Just lately, i am proud to say, i am winning toothpaste wars. I am winning by proxy. Xss has moved on to the Sensodyne toothpaste behind and abandoned the family Mcleans. If he stays on it long enough I'll be able to get the last toothpaste suck out and i will win.... It'll be just my luck that he will revert back to Mcleans for the last little bit of paste, and I'll lose..... Then again, if he doesn't move back, I'll get the last bit and I'll still have to eventually open a new tube and then I'll lose again.... Worst of all, Xss might not even be aware of these toothpaste wars. He probably just cleans his teeth and doesn't think in toothpaste manipulation tactics. He probably just puts toothpaste on his brush, and brushes. Some people say i am overly competitive.
5/52 Happy? making myself feel like a winner by over complicating minor household events. score. Next week I'll tell you about the competition of how to stack the washing up on the draining board the highest!