Does the snow make the world quiet? Is it a romantic notion that it 'blankets' the world and muffles the sound? I was housebound today due to an ill baby, (who seemed to just cry at me all day) so didn't get to hear the world until Xss got home and i was free to roam. It was lovely and peaceful outside: Unusual for London. The cars were few and slow, there were no people, and no noise came from each house, it was brilliant. I relished my slow walk to the local shops, there is something magical about being isolated in a massive city. [ i can still distinctly remember being in a hustling Ljubljana airport, not knowing the language and loving it, isolated in my linguistic ignorance free to be a mute observer].
I don't mind if the snow goes or stays for once, as now with a baby in tow (who cant interact with this new environment) i cant really go out in it for fear of falling and dropping her, or her freezing to death (not really, but she might well continuously cry with cold and i couldn't bare that either). I wanted to get a photo of her and the snow, but this is hard as she cant really sit in it. So i took the one below when it was actually snowing yesterday, however you cant see the snow :( I now love carrying Starbucks like this, it keeps us both warm and is like we have a joint secret conspiracy against the world. And she looks cute.